Saturday, December 06, 2008
Cool Video of Rabbi Dancing to Trance Music
The video below is sort of funny but I like it. Have you noticed that Jewish music has the same general beat of techno... the boom, bap, boom, bap, boom, bap, etc.
Notice in this other comic video the way the techno/trance music is sooo similar to the typical Jewish music rhythm.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A Praying Baby from the Sun asking for the Ending of Abortion?

This is a repost of a past blog I wrote.
This image is amazing. It's a NASA picture from this BBC article. It is one of the largest sun flare that has occured since I don't know when. The flare itself looks like a baby's face and can also appear like a fetus in a praying positon.
--"But more bizarre still, this blast occurred in region "486" of the sun (as in RU-486 abortion pill), only the day before President Bush signed the historic ban on "Partial Birth Abortion."
On the same day, D.C. journalists are reporting that Anti-abortion lawmakers are preparing to renew their fight to halt sales of the abortion pill RU-486 after a California woman's death was linked to the pill."
Elijah List published this connection here.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words- Watch this video on Abortion.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Pro-Life and The Prayer Movement: Where to Now?
Thanks for posting this.
I too feel that adoptions of the unwanted children must be a top priority among the praying church. What else are we here for if we forget to pray and take care of the children? Children are being left dead in dumpsters and those who are rescued could be a powerful voice to stand vehemently against abortion in the next generation. Those that are adopted by gay couples will without God's intervention grow up to stand on issues opposed to Christian beliefs.
We cannot continue to call for responsible adults to change their minds when we do nothing to rescue the impressionable vulnerable children who are crying out for love and find neglect. These very children will be the carriers of the voice of God if we train them in Christ's love.
The House of Prayer movement MUST become a worldwide "orphanage" that not only feeds, cares and nurtures the children, but trains them in the calling of prophetic intercession and the forerunner lifestyle.
We need to repent of the view that raising children is a burden infringing on our free time. We are rescuing our next generation and our own future.
A call to intercessors: how many children can you rescue and train up to be worshippers, both your biological children, adopted children, and those young around you who are in your sphere of influence?
While Obama's rule will not end abortion, we must not wait and do nothing. We must pray, speak out, write and URGENTLY we must begin to open our eyes and search out creative ways to adopt and rescue the next generation.
Bless you.
Thanks again for posting Lou Engle's words.
Monday, November 17, 2008
One Account of What Happened
I went to the Castro (the homosexual district of San Francisco) with JHOPSF (I have been with the Justice House of Prayer San Francisco since April 2008.) like we usually do on Friday nights.
Normally, we sit on 18th and Castro, and someone plays the guitar, and we all worship God.
Sometimes a person will yell at us, or maybe a few. Sometimes people will ignore us. Sometimes people will let us pray with them.
This time was not a normal night. It was the first time we'd been back in the Castro to do our normal outreach since California Proposition 8, which defined marriage as "one man with one woman" was passed. We played the guitar and sang together and worshiped the Lord. After just singing and worshiping God for a while, Roger decided that we should all hold hands in a circle and continue singing. So we did.
Someone (Actually a person who came up and hugged and kissed some of us who he knew from the past) convinced some people that we were there to protest against the no on 8 campaign.
Then some guy who was dressed up like one of the sisters (The sisters of perpetual indulgence is a group of men who dress up like nuns and call themselves the spiritual authority of the Castro.) took a curtain-type thing (Which I think they use to curse people) and wrapped it around us.
Then a crowd started gathering. We began to sing "Amazing Grace", and basically sang that song the whole night. (At some points we also sang "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus" and "Oh the Blood of Jesus".) At first, they just shouted at us, using crude, rude, and foul language and calling us names like "haters" and "bigots". Since it was a long night, I can't even begin to remember all of the things that were shouted and/or chanted at us. Then, they started throwing hot coffee, soda and alcohol on us and spitting (and maybe even peeing) on us. Then, a group of guys surrounded us with whistles, and blasted them inches away from our ears continually. Then, they started getting violent and started shoving us. At one point a man tried to steal one of our Bibles. Chrisdene noticed, so she walked up to him and said "Hey, that's not yours, can you please give it back?". He responded by hitting her on the head with the Bible, shoving her to the ground, and kicking her. I called the cops, and when they got there, they pulled her out of the circle and asked her if she wanted to press charges. She said "No, tell him I forgive him." Afterwards, she didn't rejoin us in the circle, but she made friends with one of the people in the crowd, and really connected heart to heart. Roger got death threats. As the leader of our group, people looked him in the eyes and said "I am going to kill you.", and they were serious. A cop heard one of them, and confronted him. (This part is kinda graphic, so you should skip the paragraph if you don't want to be offended.) It wasn't long before the violence turned to perversion. They were touching and grabbing me, and trying to shove things in my butt, and even trying to take off my pants - basically trying to molest me. I used one hand to hold my pants up, while I used the other arm to hold one of the girls. The guys huddled around all the girls, and protected them. Soon after, the cops came and stood between us and the mob. When it was getting more heated, the cops were like "You guys should leave." and Roger said "We want to stay." Someone tried to steal my backpack, but I tapped a cop on the shoulder, and said "Hey, that's my bag." and he got it from him and gave it to me. Others weren't so lucky. Probably half our team got their jackets stolen. Eventually, as the crowd was getting more and more uncontrollable, the cops were afraid for our lives, so they escorted us to our van. (The cops were very nice to us from start to finish.) Our van was parked pretty far because it was hard to find parking that day. As the cops escorted us, the mob followed us, until the cops formed a line, and held off the people so we could drive away. We took the long way home, just in case anyone tried to follow us. When we got home, we prayed and sang more, and then prayed over each-other. Please know my heart. All of what we do is for the Love of Jesus Christ, and the love for those in the Castro. The Bible says to love God, and then love people. We can only love because He loved us first. We can't hate the people because they are just broken and blinded by the spirit of this age. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities and Powers. It's not a political thing, we just love the people.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lou Engle to Speak at IHOP again In Minutes
Gays Riot during Christian Worship in San Fransisco's Castro District
Last Friday Nov. 15th 2008, while a group of 13 Christians worshiped Jesus on a street corner in the Castro District, San Francisco, scores of angry gays surrounded them with cries of hate and physically attacked them. Swat team forces had to be called out to protect the Christians from further injury amid the cries of promises to kill them. Some were saying "We'll follow you home, we know where you go to church." Some angry gays were taking photos of the Christians to identify them later.
News sources say that both groups were confronting each other but the Christians never preached to anyone. They were focused on worshiping Jesus.
One girls Bible was taken away and when she asked for it back, she was hit in the head with it, pushed to the ground and kicked. Many shouted that they were going to kill them.
news sources - again, the Christians were not speaking to anyone only worshiping.
Lou Engle just shared at this moment at IHOP about this. He declares that like William Wilberforce talking about slavery, it is a sin to speak of peace (the silver lining in the election of Obama) at this time when 50 million children have been murdered. The church by majority voted prosperity (economy) over posterity (our future generations).
It is easy to ignore the cries of the children because you are not the object of attack at the end of the abortionist scalpel.
Will you be one to give your life to the ending of abortion?
Sunday, November 02, 2008
"The Seer" as Prophet and Painter
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Horton Hears a Who Prophecy
"A person's a person no matter how small..."
Here is an excerpt from Bound4Life website:
Dr. Seuss Book
God is communicating His big dream of ending abortion in a most profound way through the dream stream story of Horton Hears A Who by Dr. Seuss. In February 2005, one of our youth, a 15-year-old girl at the Justice House of Prayer, had a dream. In the dream she saw a large, beautiful building with the words "The Who" appearing over it. She and her sisters entered the house and began to look throughout the building until they found the attic where there was a series of old books from the past that they knew would be needed for the future. She shared her dream with the JHOP team. I knew the dream was from God, but I wondered, "What is 'The Who,' and what are these old books?"
The next morning while pondering the dream, I received a remarkable email from a man in Kansas City that included a sermon he gave several years ago on what must occur for abortion to end. He felt led to send it to me, even though he thought it was unusual that the analogy the Lord had given him was based on the Dr. Seuss book, Horton Hears a Who. When I read this, I instantly connected "The Who" in the dream with "The Who" in the book. I was immediately interested!
In this children's book written in 1954, we find an elephant whose name is Horton. He is the prophetic Church with big ears and a large trumpet. He can hear what no one else can hear—the sound of these little people called, The Whos, who live in the microscopic town of Who-ville.
In the book, we also find a kangaroo who wants to kill all the little Whos, because he cannot see or hear them. He doesn't believe they exist. Immediately the thought came to me, "The kangaroo is the kangaroo court!"—it stands for the Supreme Court who issued the death decree of '73 in Roe v Wade, and legalized abortion. Wow! I realized that what I was reading was a parable from the past that was now going to be used en masse, for the ending of abortion. The theme of the whole book amazingly is, "A person's a person, no matter how small!" And the remedy for the crisis is that every voice must be raised loudly and urgently to rescue all the little unborn Whos. With the kangaroo's death decree hanging over Who-ville, Horton implores the mayor "to CALL a big meeting, get everyone out, make every Who holler, make every Who shout!"
This Book Speaks of Abortion
Graciously, The ElijahList blasted this story February 16, 2005. Amazingly, the next day I received an email from a woman who said she read The ElijahList article and received three confirmations the following day at her Day Care Center. One child came in with a Horton Hears A Who backpack, a second was carrying a Who-ville doll, but the third–a ten-year-old boy–came to her and said, "Ma'am, I had a dream last night. I dreamt of Horton Hears a Who, and all the little Whos were not saying YOPP; they were crying STOP!!!"
Oh, my God, there is a massive cry being raised up from the young ones of the earth, praying and prophesying, "STOP ABORTION, STOP! STOP! STOP!!!!!!!!!!" What are the chances of this divine confirmation? Those who read this are now held accountable. The whole Church must cry out now—STOP ABORTION!
Soon after, another man connected with me and said, "My ten-year-old daughter was reading Horton Hears A Who to her little brother." She came to her father and said, "Dad, I think this book is about ending abortion." That afternoon, he read The Elijah List article on Horton Hears a Who. This man now leads our Bound4LIFE ministry.
Again, amazingly, we found out that Fox Movies is doing a major motion picture in 2008, called, Horton Hears A Who, starring Jim Carrey.
The Lord is SHOUTING to the nation! Will we have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying?
A great convergence is upon us. If the Church understands the times and what God is seeking to bring forth, we can shout to the nation, before the movie comes out, that Horton Hears a Who is about the ending of abortion–so when millions of people watch the movie, they will all be thinking, "A person's a person, no matter how small–The Whos are the unborn!"
Can you see it? This is God's trumpet to the nation! God is marching out, shattering ideologies, and moving His great Mind and Heart into the earth. He moves the media and makes it His pawn. Oh, the brilliant Wisdom of God! He takes a book out of the archives of history that millions have read since 1954, pulls it out, and slams it into the present through a movie. The light penetrates the lie, the armor of the strongman is stripped away, the demon is named, and can now be cast out!
Oh God, we need a national exorcism of this spirit of death that has ruled over us for 34 years! Every voice must be counted. Buy the book! Spread it around! Start children's prayer meetings to end abortion! Support crisis pregnancy centers! May your voice be heard in your voting. Pray for Jim Carrey to be radically saved—he could shout to the world, "This movie is about ending abortion!"
A young woman had a dream knowing nothing of the movie or Jim Carrey's involvement. She dreamt that Jim Carrey was a Christian and that he was carrying a briefcase with two books in it. The first one was called, Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting, by Derek Prince, and the second one was a book called, Mobilizing The Army of God. Could this man and this movie mobilize a pro-life army of young people who will fast and pray for justice?
The front page of Time Magazine (last year, 2007) showed a hand with four different-sized fetuses resting on it. The article is saying that there are more crisis pregnancy centers than there are abortion clinics in America, and that abortion is at its lowest rate since the beginning years of when abortion was legalized. In the same magazine, there is an article about Jim Carrey, and he is seeking spiritual enlightenment, but doesn't know Jesus yet. Save him, God!!!
"It is time for all the Whos who have blood that is red to come to the aid of their country, he said." Suddenly, Dr. Suess kicks out of Who-ville and into national prophecy, not even knowing it. Christians must come to the aid of America carrying the Blood of Jesus, which alone can wash away our sins. It is not enough that Jesus died; the Blood must be applied to the doorposts of our national guilt. Oh, that millions of Christians would plead, "Jesus, I plead Your Blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God, end abortion and send revival to America." Go to to see how you can be a part of a mass movement of pleading the Blood of Jesus over our nation.
The YOPPS Must Be Heard
The voices of Jo-Jos just bouncing their yo-yos must now be heard. The Jo-Jos are Christians who are enjoying their comfortable careers, but are oblivious to the crisis. They are the youth in our Church youth groups who play with their iPods and who browse in their Windows. While living for entertainment, they have no idea that they were meant to be a part of God's great movement to end abortion! Their voices must be heard now!!! Let Myspace® and You Tube™ become their Eieffelberg towers from which they shout out their YOPPS and their STOPS.
Why would God give this dream stream to a group of young people who pray everyday in front of the Supreme Court calling on God to raise up righteous judges who will reverse Roe v Wade? To encourage hearts and release a movement through their prayers! So that it will be said:
"How true, yes, how true," said the big kangaroo, "and from now on you know what I am planning to do? From now on I am going to protect them with you!"
Brothers and sisters, let us believe that the Supreme Court will protect all the unborn little Whos, that God's big dream will come true, and that all the Whos' dreams could come true too.
It is profound that in the dream, the young lady saw not just one book, but a series of old books needed for the future. Read Horton Hatches an Egg. It is about a bird who wants to go play, rather than sit on her egg. So Horton, the elephant again, sits on the egg until the egg hatches. When the egg hatches, out comes, not a little baby bird, but an elephant with wings.
The moral of the story is this: he who cares for the unwanted child—that child will take on the nature of the one who cared for it. It is the spirit of adoption! God is calling the Church to adopt and care for the unwanted children in the nation. We have got to be Jesus' love answer. We can't just be pro-birth we must be pro-life!
Let the prophetic Church arise and carry the heart of Heaven! Let them hear The Call for united fasting and prayer on behalf of those who have no voice! Let the prophetic Church hear what the world can't hear, and may they blow the trumpet once again, declaring, "God has a dream, and we have His dream, and millions will be mobilized to become the river of justice rolling down again…"
Lou Engle, TheCall
Tags: 22-Word Prayer, Abortion, Horton Hears A Who, Justice Loves Babies, Kangaroo Court, Lou Engle
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sucked into the Prophetic Worship Vortex 1 Sam. 10:5
Monday, August 04, 2008
Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Grand Inquisitor
So it's by birthday. I read The Grand Inquisitor by Dostoevsky. The Grand Inquisitor is a story told by a fictional character in the Brothers Karamazov. I first heard about this story in a book by Madeline L'engle called Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art. She wrote that she believed it was one of the most important Christian writings. Sigmund Freud wrote, "The Brothers Karamazov is the most magnificent novel ever written, and the story of the Grand Inquisitor is one of the peaks in the literature of the world. It can hardly be overpraised."
This novel deals with some heavy thoughts on Politics/Religion specifically socialism and Christianity. Ivan Karamazov is sharing a story he invented to his brother Alyosha. The plot is something like this:
During the peak of the Inquisition, after a night of burning hundreds of heretics, Jesus strolls into Seville, Spain and starts wowing the people with his love, healings and resurrection of a seven year old girl. The Grand Inquisitor, ruler of the Inquisition, walks in and orders the arrest of Jesus with the nod of his finger. The Inquisitor visits Jesus and tells him that the masses will be in agreement as he orders Jesus to be burned at the stake the next day. He then tells Jesus of all his ideals for humanity.
The Inquisitor explains that Jesus came to give men their freedom, but humanity doesn't really want freedom. What they really want, the Inquisitor explains is three things. These three things are best embodied by the temptations Christ endured in the wilderness. Humanity wants security and care (bread and sustenance), to be part of something great and meaningful, (the supernatural of Jesus jumping off the temple), and to be unified as humanity in a sort of Utopia without suffering or the hungry(Jesus offered to rule the kingdoms of the Earth). For these three things, humanity will gladly eventually give up it's freedom. The Inquisitor eventually states that he and his organization are working the Devil now and keep up the religious front for the good of keeping the masses happy. He believes it is a shame for only a few hundred thousand strong-faithed people to attain salvation and freedom while billions struggle in misery. The Inquisitor is there to take care of them and give them the security they long for.
"As long, therefore, as men are free not to choose what is best for society, a stable, perfect social order with bread enough for all is impossible." (Anne Fremantle in her into to The Grand Inquisitor)
Fyodor, a Russian of the 1800's, was raised Catholic or Orthodox. Later, he was sentenced to death for conspiring with Socialists. His death sentence was later converted into years of labor in a Siberian prison. He passed through a time of atheism and came to believe in Christ during his prison term.
I find the little I know of Dostoevsky intriguing and applicable to the modern Western world as we globalize and the West presses on to socialism.
I read in a critique on Dostoevsky that he viewed atheistic socialism as incapable of long term success because it was rooted in envy. Envy of those who have not with those who do. And all socialism would do is transfer wealth but those without would always arise. I read in this critique that he believed Socialism would need a moral power to persuade the masses of why giving their wealth to the have-nots long term would be a good thing.
These are interesting ideas to me. I struggle with these debates in my head. In The Brother's Karamazov, a conversation is recorded about the separation of Church and State. The discussion centered on whether the Church should take a back seat and serve the state or whether the Church should grow to become the state. Issues are discussed of how the State and the Church differ in their role of dealing with crime and rehabilitating criminals. I cannot do the conversations justice in my blog, but for those who like to think about such issues as freedom/socialism, Church/State I recommend his novels.
Oh, the Grand Inquisitor story ends with Christ giving the Grand Inquisitor a kiss on the lips and the Grand Inquisitor letting Jesus go and telling him not to return.
Grand Inquisitor